Biology for engineers mcq test | biology for engineers mcq questions


This test completely based on Exam pattern and Syllabus, So give this test and Improve your preparations! Wish you very all the best!

Q.1 The primary consumers are?

(A) Omnivores
(B) Producers
(C) Herbivores
(D) carnivores

Q.2 Which of the following is not present in animal cell?

(A) Cell walls
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Ribosome
(D) Cytoplasm

Q.3 The term enzyme was given by?

(A) F.W Kunne
(B) Louis Pasteur
(C) Traube
(D) willstatter

Q.4 Which of the following not called as sugar?

(A) Starch
(B) Ribose
(C) Glucose
(D) sucrose

Q.5 The first enzyme to be isolated in pure crystalline from was ?

(A) Enzymes
(B) Urease
(C) Invertase
(D) Distance

Q.6 The term biology was introduced by

(A) Lamarck and Treviranus
(B) Darwin
(C) John ray
(D) Aristotle

Q.7 The Time dependent deformation is called?

(A) Plastic deformation
(B) Elastic deformation
(C) Creep
(D) Anelastic deformation

Q.8 Normal human blood pressure is?

(A) 110/100
(B) 120/70
(C) 120/80
(D) 140/60

Q.9 The existence of genes suggested by was first?

(A) Gregor mendal
(B) George walls beadle
(C) felward lawine tatum
(D) Frederick Griffith

Q.10 Which of the following animals has the longest life span?

(A) Tortoise
(B) Elephant
(C) Crocodile
(D) Dog

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