Civil Engineering MCQ Question|| Fluid mechanics Question for SSCJE and RRB JE


This test completely based on Exam pattern and Syllabus, So give this test and Improve your preparations! Wish you very all the best!

Q.1 Poise is the unit of_____

(A) mass density
(B) Kinematic viscosity
(C) viscosity
(D) velocity gradient

Q.2 Pascal's law states that pressure at any point in a fluid at rest has

(A) different magnitude in all directions
(B) same magnitude in all directions
(C) zero magnitude in all directions
(D) none of the above

Q.3 The property of a fluid which determines its resistance to shearing stresses is called

(A) viscosity
(B) surface tension
(C) adhesion
(D) none of the above

Q.4 Flow of fluid takes place due to its

(A) viscosity
(B) compressibility
(C) surface tension
(D) deformation under shear force

Q.5 If the diameter of a capillary tube is doubled, the capillary rise will be

(A) unaffected
(B) doubled
(C) halfed
(D) none of the above

Q.6 The characteristics of an ideal fluid is

(A) one which satisfies continuity equation
(B) one which flows with least friction
(C) one which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
(D) frictionless and incompressible

Q.7 Hydrometer is used to measure

(A) velocity of fluids
(B) specific gravity of liquids
(C) flow of fluids
(D) velocity of gases

Q.8 The ration of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight of pure water at a standard temperature is called

(A) compressibility of liquid
(B) specific gravity of liquid
(C) density of liquid
(D) surface tension of liquid

Q.9 Capillary rise is a phenomenon that is attributed to the following property of fluid

(A) vapour pressure
(B) viscosity
(C) density
(D) surface tension

Q.10 A fluid, which is incompressible and is having no viscosity is

(A) ideal fluid
(B) real fluid
(C) Newtonian fluid
(D) non Newtonian fluid

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