Introduction to civil engineering mcq test|Civil engineering free test


This test completely based on Exam pattern and Syllabus, So give this test and Improve your preparations! Wish you very all the best!

Q.1 Who is the father of civil engineering?

(A) Benjamin wright
(B) Squire Whipple
(C) John Smeaton
(D) Henry Bessemer

Q.2 Landscape architecture comes under in which principle of Planning

(A) function
(B) form
(C) Aesthetic
(D) allegiance

Q.3 The setting time of mortar can be increased using

(A) lime
(B) Sulphur
(C) Pozzolana
(D) gypsum

Q.4 A voluntary arrangement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law, as a bending legal agreement is known as

A) Job
B) loan
(C) mutual fund
(D) contract

Q.5 What is the capital of France?

(A) vertical plane
(B) horizontal plane
(C) vertical and horizontal plane
(D) inclined  plane

Q.6 Which of the following can be used for flooring

(A) stone
(B) concrete
(C) brick
(D) all of the above

Q.7 The scale on which three dimensions can be measured is known as

(A) Plane scale
(B) diagonal scale
(C) chord scale
(D) Vernier scale

Q.8 No parking sign is a type of

(A) Regulatory sign
(B) warning sign
(C) informatory sign
(D) none of the above

Q.9 The earth water circulatory system is known as

(A) Water cycle
(B) hydraulic cycle
(C) monsoon cycle
(D) none of the above

Q.10 The basic function or  foundation is

(A) To transferred the load to the Subsoil
(B) to provide stability
(C) to check settlement of building
(D) All of the above

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